Spring is Coming

With the start of Daylight Savings Time today we enter into the home stretch to warmer weather. It is almost like the world is coming out of a huge fog not only from the darkness of the season but from a year of staring at the same four walls.

This weekend marks the start of quarantine for many places in the United States. Tomorrow will be the last day I spent in my day-to-day office. I haven’t seen that office or those I work with there in a year. Yet here we are…people are finally getting appointments for the COVID-19 vaccine giving the world hope for the future and the idea that we may once again see each other in person without the weight of fear.

Over the next few weeks I hope to complete another lap blanket that I planned on completing half way through quarantine. I think it will be a perfect way to say goodbye to 2020 and move on to brighter projects!


Breathing Life into the Past


Another Day. Another Project.